eBay Earth

New Interactive Brand Experience

  • eBay Earth is a new brand experience at the eBay Campus in San Jose, CA. FLOAT4 designed the interactive data visualization of transactions between buyers and sellers across the globe.

    The goal was to delight and create deeper connections with employees and guests that visit the space by further elevating their brand experience. FLOAT4 collaborated with ESI design for the original experience we created at the eBay campus back in 2016.

    The Video Wall

    First, a snapshot of an entire day can be visualized on a globe. This globe displays transactions with colorful lines connecting each seller to its buyer at the time of purchase. Visitors can zoom in/out, rotate the globe, and apply multiple filters to compare interesting statistics. For example, eBay's sales, biggest hits, sellers or products. Thus allowing visitors to better understand eBay on a global scale.

    FLOAT4 weaved layers of interaction into the experience, encouraging people to engage with the dashboard and discover the many ways in which eBay connects 147 million buyers with 17 million sellers worldwide using the sales data.

    Furthermore, in the context of the pandemic, we wanted to develop an alternative to the touch-based experience. The result was a sleek minimalist web application, which allows a single visitor at a time to remotely control the entire eBay Earth experience. While the visitors mobile device handles the controls, the data remains only visible on the video wall.

    Photo and video credits: eBay & FLOAT4

  • eBay Earth

  • eBay Earth

  • eBay Earth

  • eBay Earth

  • eBay Earth